Hanging in my Hammock

Hanging in my Hammock

We not only live near the oldest city park of the Netherlands of the Netherlands, since a couple of months I also have an office in one it's surrounding austere buildings. The best thing? Hanging in the hammock underneath the 'Plantage Plantaan' standing just outside my window! An excellent spot for a little reading and/or lounging plotting world dominance. The view up the tree is lovely. It's not often you get to see a tree this way and this particular specimen (Platanus orientalis) is stunning.

This is the first self portrait panorama I've ever done. It's an odd experience, drawing once self. The temptation to improve on 'the original' is there. Luckily I'm not that good a painter so the end result is still honest ;). Figuring out how to take the pictures needed for this pano was a lot of fun. Especially climbing back into the hammock after I'd put up the camera. People must have thought I'm nuts :P.


The hammock outside my office.